Quality Care For Children Aged 3 Months - 11 Years
We received outstanding in our most recent Ofsted inspection which took place on May 31st 2016, below is a summary of the report:
The managers are inspirational and extremely passionate about the nursery. They work hard with dedicated staff to ensure they provide an excellent, safe and highly stimulating environment for all children.
Children have excellent opportunities to discover, explore and investigate the natural world as they play in the exceptional woodland area. Staff promote children's physical skills superbly. They make excellent use of all the inspirational outdoor spaces.
the quality of teaching is outstanding and worthy of dissemination. Every staff member is highly responsive to children's individual needs. Their interactions inspire children to become absorbed in their play and learning. Children show high levels of curiosity, imagination and concentration as they take part in an excellent range of activities
staff place a high focus on promoting children's personal, social and emotional development. This means, young children quickly gain the confidence they need to be exceptionally well prepared for learning. As children move throughout the nursery they become highly motivated and enthusiastic learners
Partnerships with parents and other professionals are exemplary and information is meticulously shared. this contributes to children's needs being exceptionally well met and their transition to school seamless .
Self-evaluation is meticulous and incisive. The managers empower staff to take ownership of the quality of practice in their rooms, so that they are continually looking at ways to enhance their provision. The managers actively seek, evaluate and act on the views of parents, staff and children to continue to sustain excellent practice.
Staff use every opportunity to extend and consolidate children's learning. They skilfully question children to encourage them to expand their ideas, describe what they see and solve problems
Staff are excellent role models and their passion ignites children's eagerness to learn.
Every child is extremely settled and happy. They are secure, self-assured and their behaviour is excellent.
All children, including those who receive additional funding, make exceptional progress from their starting points.